Friday, June 11, 2004

John Adams Homestead

My plan was to go for an early run, but I slept in a bit instead. I finally got up at 7:30, skipped the run and Dan and I left the house at 9. We ran a couple errands and went by the home to see Grandma. She wasn't in her room, so we figured she was getting her hair done or something. We couldn't wait so we headed toward Quincy at 10.

We were able to visit the cemetary in town and catch the 1:15 tour and saw John Adams' birthplace, first home with Abigail, and his later house in town. The tour guides were very knowledgeable and I enjoyed what they had to say, even though I don't really care for group tours in general. I don't like having so many people around because it makes it hard to soak up the ambiance of a place, not to mention that you only have a few seconds to look at any one thing because there's always someone else breathing down your neck wanting to look at it, too.

After the tour we bought some gifts and headed for home. We had considered touring the church and seeing Adams' grave, but there was a Reagan memorial service going on and it was too crowded. So we headed back to Connecticut. We stopped in Middletown for Indian food on the way, and it was okay but not as good as the place in New London and certainly not as good as the now-closed Bombay Spice in Mystic.

After dinner we hurried to Hammonasset Beach to catch the sunset. We arrived in time and the sunset was lovely, but there were so many gnats that we didn't stay long. So we went home and visited with John a bit. Then we made a quick trip to the store for food to eat on the plane the next day, and then Dan turned in while I waited up for my cousin Charles to arrive. He was supposed to be coming in late from Chicago, but John and I waited and waited and finally went to bed.

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